Thursday, October 7, 2010

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Mexican food has been a favorite in the United States for decades, and authentic Mexican food is what many Mexican food lovers are seeking. There are many restaurants in the Northeast Indiana area that serve foods advertised as Mexican, but these Northeast Indiana restaurants don’t serve authentic Mexican food. These Northeast Indiana restaurants serve foods that simply use the many spices and ingredients found in Mexican food, and although they are good, these dishes aren’t authentic.

Northeast Indiana restaurant chains that serve foods they claim to be Mexican are generally more expensive than authentic Mexican restaurants. Those who love Mexican food have a variety of authentic Mexican restaurants to choose from in Northeast Indiana. Not only can Mexican restaurant patrons in Northeast Indiana experience authentic Mexican food, they can save money while enjoying a meal that is truly Mexican in every sense of the word. Step into one of many authentic Mexican restaurants in Northeast Indiana, and you’ll feel as if you’ve stepped across the border into a Mexican village filled with the sounds and aromas experienced at an authentic Mexican fiesta.

Si Senior

This family owned Mexican restaurant located at 903 West Avenue in Kendallville Indiana features authentic Mexican foods and drinks. Located near the corner of State Road 3 and U.S. 6, Si Senior is a convenient and affordable way to take a trip into a Mexican world of flavorful foods, aromas, and true Mexican ambience.

The menu at Si Senior in Northeast Indiana is extensive. There are dinner choices and combinations to suit the taste of any Mexican food connoisseur. Si Senior in Northeast Indiana offers Mexican favorites such as tacos, burritos, chimichangas, quesas, fajitas, and numerous other Mexican appetizers and dinner combinations. The authentic Mexican foods at Si Senior are simply delicious and highly recommended by Northeast Indiana residents.

After placing an order at Si Senior in Northeast Indiana, customers are treated to complimentary authentic tortilla chips and home style Mexican salsa. Although rather spicy for those who don’t care for hot foods, the home style Mexican salsa and chips is a flavorful appetizer to enjoy while waiting for the main course. This is a great way to begin experiencing the truly authentic Mexican cuisine offered by this Northeast Indiana restaurant.

The price of entrees at Si Senior are average compared to other Northeast Indiana restaurants, but alcoholic drinks should be avoided if on a budget. Si Senior in Kendallville Indiana is a good choice for those wanting to experience authentic Mexican cuisine in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Call Si Senior at 260-343-0535 to find out current hours of operation or for additional information.

Cebolla’s Mexican Grill

This Mexican restaurant in Northeast Indiana couldn’t be any more authentic. When stepping into Cebolla’s Mexican Grill restaurant in one of three Ft. Wayne Indiana locations, it feels as if you’ve left Northeast Indiana and entered a high-quality restaurant in Mexico. This exceptional Mexican restaurant boosts an authentic Mexican atmosphere, and they serve huge portions of authentic Mexican food that are unbelievable. Make sure you are hungry before going to Cebolla’s, or be prepared to request a container for leftovers. You won’t want to waste any of the authentic Mexican food offered by Cebolla’s Mexican Grill.

Cebolla’s has a large menu that offers almost any Mexican dish imaginable. Also offered are drinks of every variety. One of the many delicious thirst-quenching drinks available at Cebolla’s Mexican Grill is raspberry tea. This raspberry tea has a hint of raspberry flavor and just the right amount of sugar. Those who try the raspberry tea at Cebolla’s in Northeast Indiana are hooked after just one sip.

Prices at Cebolla’s are just as amazing as the food. Two people can eat a very filling authentic Mexican meal for under $20.00 and take home leftovers if they wish. Also included are free authentic Mexican chips and salsa that definitely hit the spot. Alcoholic drinks are available for those who enjoy them, and the prices are average compared to other area establishments.

I highly recommend Cebolla’s Mexican Grill in Fort Wayne Indiana for those who want to experience authentic Mexican food that will satisfy a craving for true Mexican cuisine. Locations are 5930 West Jefferson Boulevard, 602 East Dupont Road, and 236 Fernhill Avenue. Call 260-436-1650 for current hours of operation and additional information on this exceptional Northeast Indiana restaurant.

Fiesta Mexicana

Fiesta Mexicana is a great choice for those seeking authentic Mexican food. This authentic Mexican restaurant and bar is located at 3155 West Highway 20 in Angola Indiana. Fiesta Mexicana offers carry out service, and they can be contacted by phone at 260-624-2820 to place an order or for additional information such as current hours of operation.

Fiesta Mexicana offers appetizers such as ceviche, coctel de camaron, taquitos, grilled chicken caesar, and queso fundido. This authentic Northeast Indiana Mexican restaurant also offers deliciously juicy steak entrees such as carne asada, azteca steak, fiesta Mexicana steak, and steak ranchero. Other Mexican foods offered by Fiesta Mexicana in Northeast Indiana are arroz con pollo, shrimp burritos, carnitas, quesadillas, enchiladas, fiesta salads, and much more. Fiesta Mexican in Northeast Indiana also offers many taste tempting desserts such as a thick and creamy cheesecake chimichanga, fried ice cream, and authentic tasty homemade flan.

Come to Fiesta Mexicana if you want authentic Mexican food and drinks at an affordable price. The employees at Fiesta Mexicana in Northeast Indiana are very friendly, and they are ready to serve customers authentic Mexican food in a pleasant Mexican atmosphere.

Hurricane Ike (NASA, International Space Station Science, 09/10/08) by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

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Morning sickness…sigh! Multiple trips to the bathroom and the beginning of a long relationship with the porcelain bowl. Take heart, it appears that morning sickness is associated with better pregnancy outcomes. Studies have also found that in women whose diet is mainly vegetarian without the dairy staples, morning sickness is uncommon. Food has a strong effect on your pregnancy so let us research little know facts about what they are good for.

Food and Pregnancy

Some people use ginger tea (but check with your doctor first) to soothe the morning sickness. For the sleepiness, several small meals throughout the day, high in carbohydrates and starch will alleviate the need to drop your head down at your desk. Lots of fruits and vegetables will also help build up your energy and detoxify you. They are also sources of vitamin B which will decrease the risk of neural tube defects (e.g. spina bifida) in your unborn child.

The foods you might want to avoid would be: 

1. Liver, liver products, and vitamin A supplements can lead to birth defects as they are high in vitamin A. 

2. While omega fatty acids are great for a growing child, shark, marlin and swordfish should be avoided as they tend to be high in mercury, which can lead to damage to the baby’s nervous system. 

3. BEER! Sorry, but it really does make a difference in your child. Children born to drinking mothers (actively drinking during pregnancy) tend to be born smaller, have a less developed cognitive sense, and sometimes have birth defects. The nine-month abstinence will do you both some good, and if you do chose to keep drinking, let that be your decision, and let the child make his/her own decision. Allow them a fighting chance in our highly competetive world. 

4. For those who have eczema, asthma or other food allergies, avoiding nuts and other allergy causing foods can help your child not develop allergies. 

5. No raw foods as you could get listeria or another bacterial infection with dire consequences for your young child. 

6. No smoking. See number 3. The reasons are the same.

Pamper yourself, find time to do the things you enjoy, and just celebrate you and the little one.  Eat healthy little meals, exercise (again, with a doctor's okay), and love the experience.  It is a blessing and a joy and should be treated as such.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Julian Rouas Paris Perfume

From a smoker’s point of view, the bans on smoking may be going to far. I can understand a ban on smoking indoors – I’m okay with that. But, what I can’t understand is a ban on smoking in the great outdoors. Most smokers are courteous and will walk away from a crowd in order not to offend anyone. But, what about people who follow you when you walk away from the crowd? Has this ever happened to anyone?

While attending my daughter’s softball game, I walked away from the crowd to smoke. I walked almost to the parking lot, where there was no one near me. I lit my cigarette and after a few minutes, a woman arrived pulling an oxygen tank. This woman saw me smoking and walked about 40 steps out of her way to walk near where I stood – for the single purpose of being able to make a comment about the fact that I was smoking in public!
So, my question is this. I understand why people who do not smoke do not want to be subjected to my second-hand smoke – and I respect that. But, what do you about people who choke you with their perfume? Where are the rights for people who suffer from migraines, asthma, and allergies?

I once worked in an office with 200-300 hundred other people. In the beginning, we had a smoking and a non-smoking break-room. The two break-rooms were on opposite ends of a hallway and well ventilated. But, that was not enough for the non-smokers. They wanted us outside of the building – exposed to the elements. But, this still wasn’t enough for them – because they liked to sit outside at the picnic tables in warm weather, and there we were. So, the non-smoker’s petitioned until the smoker’s had to completely leave the property in order to smoke. They won – or did they?

I suffer from migraines. One thing that causes the onset of a migraine is strong smells, especially in the form of perfume. I pulled into the parking lot one morning as another person was going in the front door. I stepped out of my car and was almost blown away in the wake of her perfume – a wake that followed her into the building. Sometimes, a migraine hits like a bomb – out of nowhere. One minute you are fine – the next minute, Wham! By the time I got to my desk, I could barely see – and a coworker had to drive me home. I lost a day of work because of perfume!

So, the smoker’s struck back – we petitioned until we succeeded in having perfume and strong colognes banned. And, I never had to miss work again. The smoker’s were still banned from the property, but so were the days of migraines for migraine sufferers and sneezing for allergy sufferers.

If you do not want to be around the smoke from my cigarette, just ask me politely. I will gladly walk away and enjoy my cigarette in peace. But, return the same courtesy. Don’t expose me to a migraine by wearing overpowering perfume or cologne. This infringes upon my rights – and the rights of all sufferers of migraines, asthma, and allergies. So, next time you bathe, before you cover yourself with that perfume or cologne that you think makes you more appealing, think about that person who may lose a day’s pay so that you can smell nice!


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150 people were affected by a person who sprayed perfume. 34 of these people had to be taken to the hospital. This happened in Fort Worth, Texas but is by no means the only incident of people being sickened, literally, by perfume being sprayed.

We all remember the smokers being taken to task over their cigarette smoke which ended up with most of the country banning cigarette smoking in work places, bars, restaurants and most "public" areas. Not only that, cigarettes were deemed to be the biggest and baddest cause of almost every cancer known to man. We allowed those nasty ole' cigarette smokers to be taxed (what most would consider unlawfully) until they were forced to quit or they were forced to hide in their homes hoping that no one would get a "whiff" of smoke. Ah, we sure did teach smokers a thing or two about "their" smoke perfume!

All the while the chided smokers were trying to explain that almost any of them would willingly put out a cigarette if it bothered someone. They tried to explain that cigarette smoke, especially second hand smoke, was NOT the culprit of all cancers. People complaining of cigarette smoke were even asked if there could be another cause of their discomfort. Guess what? Perfume! Yes, perfume.

I remember one of the biggest anti-smoking people in our county was a large woman who did not know what a "spritz" of perfume was. She lathered it on until you were looking for the exits or a gas mask. But she was brazen enough to complain about someone smoking in a bar (that she never went in).

We've all been there, a restaurant, church, classroom, shopping aisle and yes a bar, when someone will walk in and the place turns to weeping eyes and sneezing. How well do you think people take it when asked to "remove" their perfume? But due to stories like the people above who fell ill due to someone's perfume I believe people are starting to look at perfume as the next cigarette.

Will they install a heavy tax on perfume like on cigarettes? Some have banned perfume in the workplace, will that carry on to public places as well? Will perfumed products like body and laudry soap be banned? Or maybe they will simply ban perfume on any level and in any product.

Perfume can make people sick. Perfume can make people sick that aren't even wearing it. More and more articles and studies are being written on perfume and the hazards of some of them. Yes, I vaguely see perfume as the new cigarette.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Julian Rouas Paris

sex is accident by Paperpop™

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Lindsay Lohan is out of rehab and wearing what some have termed Hollywood's newest fashion accessory, the alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet. Because of its size, sources say Lohan remarked that it looked like a VCR for the ankle - not exactly the fashion accessory you want to highlight your latest Prada ensemble. FYI, the bracelet weighs all of 8 ounces.

What is an Alcohol Monitoring Bracelet?

The Alcohol Monitoring Bracelet is a device that monitors alcohol by measuring traces of ethanol (alcohol) vapors in the skin, which the body produces when when it is digesting alcohol. Once measured, the results are then sent to a computer for assessment.

The History of Alcohol Monitoring Devices

The idea of alcohol monitoring devices came about because all drunk driving cases involve alcohol consumption.The problem for courts arose in finding an effective way to monitor alcohol consumption by a defendant who was ordered to abstain.The Alcohol Monitoring Bracelet is also known by the acronym SCRAM, short for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor system.

According to, "Conventional alcohol testing has posed some challenges in the past because we would only know if a person consumed alcohol by administering a Breathalyzer test while the alcohol is still in a person's system."

SCRAM results are measured in real time by measuring the ethanol content as it moves through the surface of the skin. Results are reported as often as once an hour.

Monitoring blood alcohol levels via perspiration dates back to the 1930s. According to, "Several studies in the last three decades have shown that there is a fairly good correlation between the amount of alcohol in one's perspiration and the amount in one's blood."

Accuracy of the Alcohol Monitoring Bracelet

Much debate rages about the effectiveness of the measurements recorded via the bracelets because the way that alcohol moves through the system is extremely complex.

The biggest problem with this alcohol monitoring technology (SCRAM) is that it doesn't differentiate between alcohol consumed as a beverage (eg, wine, beer, liquor) and other types of alcohol (eg, the alcohol found in personal use products like hair spray and perfume).

Because SCRAM technology measures ethanol topically, eg, via the skin, other environmental factors are measured as well (eg, hair spray).

Currently, 43 states use the alcohol monitoring bracelet as part of their judicial system. The cost: Approximately $12/day. Taxpayer dollars don't pick up this tab, it is usually paid for by offenders.

Celebrities Who've Recently Sported the Alcohol Monitoring Bracelet

Lohan is not the only celebrity to sport this newest "accessory." Other celebrities who have recently been sentenced to wear the alcohol monitoring bracelet: Rapper and actress, Eve; comedian Tracy Morgan; and actress Michelle Rodriguez, to name a few.

Fore more info on the alcohol-monitoring bracelet, visit:


Saturday, October 2, 2010


A quesy tummy may indicate overindulgence but it might also mean a foodborne illness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, 76 million Americans suffer such an illness each year. About 350,000 of these are hospitalized and 5,000 die. Foodborne illnesses, often called "food poisoning", can be serious and include such variants as salmonella, listeria, and staphylococococcus. All are caused by bacteria which often multiply when food is not handled in a safe manner. Those most at risk for foodborne illnesses include senior citizens, children under the age of ten, pregnant women, and those with a weak immune system (HIV patients, transplant patients, or those recovering from other serious illness).Symptoms of food poisoning can include an upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, headaches, pus or blood in bowel movements, extreme exhaustion and even fever. Onset can occur as early as twenty minutes after eating a tainted food product or take as long as six weeks to appear. Most commonly, foodborne illnesses affect the digestive system in one to three days after ingesting the culprit. And, most cases are mild and can be treated at home. Rest and plenty of liquids are often enough to speed recovery but if symptoms are acute or worsen, it's best to consult a physician.

Simple steps can be taken to minimize and prevent the possibility of foodborne illness. The first rule is to keep clean and this means everything from the food preparer's hands to utensils, countertops, and serving plates. Anyone preparing food should wash their hands first with warm, soapy water. All utenils used in food preparation should be clean. When dealing with raw meat products, keep the utensils, i.e. knives, cutting boards, turning forks, etc, seperate from those used with other foods. Wash thoroughly after handling raw meat. Store fresh meats for no more than 1-2 days in the refrigerator before use and consult consumer guidelines for the limits on freezing meat products.

If heading out on a picnic or cookout in an outdoor location, be sure to store raw meats in a seperate cooler from beverages, salads, and other foods. If hand washing facilities are not available, bring along sanitizing hand wipes or moist towellettes to use after handling raw meats.

At home or away, be sure to check all meats to insure that they are cooked to a safe temperature. Failing to fully cook meat can allow dangerous bacteria to breed and cause illness. Although cases of E-coli have diminished in recent years, e-coli outbreaks can be deadly. Other illness including salmonella and listeria can also begin with undercooked meat. Beef - including hamburgers - should be cooked to at least 160 degrees Farenheit. Poultry should reach at least 170 degrees and pork should register 180 degrees or more. Hot dogs - although sold fully cooked - should be cooked until they reach 165 degrees. Insert a meat thermometer into the center of meat and leave for 30 seconds for an accurate reading. Meat thermometers are available in most discount stores, hardware stores, kitchen specialty shops and even many supermarkets at nominal cost. Remember that no matter how experienced the cook, it is impossible to judge whether meat is done by appearance alone.

Avoid transferring cooked meat to a platter that held the raw product. Do not use the same cooking utensils unless these have been washed in hot, soapy water.

A standard in food safety is to keep hot foods hot, cold foods cold. Refrigerators should be set to 40 degrees Farenheit. Higher temperatures can allow bacteria to grow. If unsure about the temperature in a home refrigerator, invest in a thermometer to gauge the exact temperature. When transporting foods in cooler, make sure that it is an insulated cooler. Pack foods in several inches of ice or ice packs. Replensish as needed to maintain a cold temperature.

When temperatures are below 90 degrees, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reccommends that food not be left out - at room or outside temperatures - for any longer than two hours. When temperatures soar above 90, an hour or less is the limit. This is because bacteria grows most rapidly between 90 and 100 degrees.Bacteria in room temperature foods can double every twenty minutes.

Foods that require extreme caution include mayonaise based products such as potato or macroni salads. These foods tend to break down and allow bacteria to breed quicker than other products.

Cleanliness, frequent hand washing, safe temperatures, and common sense are the key to preventing most foodborne illnesses. Prevention IS the best medicine for these illnesses which can range from mild to severe.

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China Food Montage by thejerk


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They used to be all over the place: dotted through the neighborhoods as prolific as the corner grocer, confectionery, and drugstore. They were scattered along highways like Route 66 and Route 40. All the fast food places were patterned after them. McDonalds used to be one. There were two of them close by where I lived: Ann's and Dixie's. They were small, with only two or three booths along the wall and a countertop. You could almost tell how good the food was going to be by the amount of grease on the cook's apron. And he would wipe your spoon on it if you asked him to. It was the place lunch ladies went to retire, bringing with them their pink shirts and white aprons and the mole on their chins. 

You could get a hand-pattied burger there, sometimes put underneath a press, sometimes cooked on a bed of onions. The toasted side of the bun offered some protection, but in the end the bun was always soaked with grease. And then there was the chili. The chili, like its venerable counterpart, Chop Suey, was the waste collector. All the little bits of beef or burger that were to small or burnt to serve. Add some spices and some beans and you were ready to pour it on anything. There always seemed to be a good share of characters on the customer side of the counter too. The chain-smoking lady with the stained fingertips sipping her coffee, or the old man reading the newspaper and talking to himself. Of course we're talking about the American Diner.

A "true" diner is a prefabricated structure that is built at an assembly site and then transported to a permanent location to serve food. The word "diner" is a derivative of "dining car." Decommissioned railroad cars or trolleys were often converted into diners by those who couldn't afford to purchase a new one. Here are a few of the best ones in St. Louis:

Courtesy Diner 1121 Hampton. (314) 644-2600 This is a newer version of the old one that sat at the same location for many years. The new equipment shines better and the checkered floors are cleaner, but the comfort food hasn't changed. The bacon and egg breakfasts here are classic American and the pancake stacks are superb. One thing you might want to do if you are planning a trip to the Courtesy: starve yourself for a couple of days and then order a Slinger. A Slinger is a fat and calorie toxic heap of meats, beans, and cheeses, sometimes mixed with eggs. Sure to send those cholesterol numbers soaring and the taste buds hopping.

Eat-Rite Diner 622 Choteau. (314) 621-9621 The slogan here is: "Eat-Rite or Don't Eat At All." And if it's three o'clock in the morning, you'll probably take their word for it. Unlike Courtesy, Eat-Rite has counter seating only. With six hamburgers for only $4.50, or a Slinger with crumbled hamburger, sausage and bacon or a T-Bone steak for $6.95, you may want to get a to-go order and take it home instead.

Tiffany's 7402 Manchester. (314) 644-0929 Tiffany's, (and a whole block of business next to it) almost fell to the wrecking ball recently when a developer wanted to use eminent domain to build a shopping center. Neighborhood residents went up in arms and circulated a petition and posted signs all over the area, finally forcing city hall to back down. Tiffany's is one of the smallest eateries that I have ever been to, but it packs a powerful punch to the square inch. Omelets are under five bucks and a burger Slinger will run you about $1.50 to $2.95. If you sit at the counter you WILL be engaged in conversation and make new friends, you simply have no other choice.

White Knight Diner 1801 Olive. (314) 772-6100 Now known as the Super Sandwich Shop. Pretty standard diner fare, but the interesting thing about this place is it was the scene of the movie "White Palace" starring Susan Sarandon. The production company decided to film there when the local White Castle chain refused to accommodate them.

Energy Drinks

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